Monday, May 26, 2014


Yara Choukeir
Mr. Breaton
May 20, 2014
55 Word Short Stories

The Girl
We stared into each others moon shaped eyes and examined one another. She had espresso coloured eyes hidden behind glasses, and endless, luscious hair. She mimicked my every move; simultaneously and flawlessly. Dressed in nothing other than the latest designer clothes, she looked me up and down, and flashed a smile.
“Damn, I look good.”

Evil Children
They formed into their demonic praying circle in an organized fashion, and spun the blinded volunteer around. The children dispersed and watched their leader swing at the victim with a bat constantly missing. They screamed as he finally started to beat him senselessly.
Their eyes bulged at the shower of candy falling from the piƱata.

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