Monday, May 26, 2014

Chara Gerow

Christine panted as she pushed herself to run faster. They were closing in on her. One gave a yell as she spurred herself on. She could hear the distant chanting and remembered why she was running. Christine heard grunts behind her. The echo of feet pounded faster.
Just then, Christine burst past the finishing line.

Trial By Fire
Brock watched as a glistening drop of sweat splattered down. He shifted his eyes nervously from left to right, then back down again. Moans echoed from all around him. He lost focus. His breath came harder and faster. His mind was clouded over with confusion. Brock stood to run.
“Sit down and finish your test!”

Ians 55 word short stories

Ian Dowd
Mr. Breaton
Writers Craft
May 23rd 2014

The ground trapped him. It was crushing, and the darkness surrounded him. Escape! He must escape! Oh, to view the sun was his greatest wish, to feel the breeze and the rain. Stretch! With a final push he burst from the ground. Victory!
“Stupid Dandelions.” Bob shouted as he plucked the latest that had grown.

She loved them. Her children meant everything to her. From their loving cries to their nuzzling shows of affection, they always appreciated her, appreciated what she did for them. They didn't abandon her in a cold prison citing “dementia”.

Her face beaming, Margaret packed up her breadcrumbs and bid her pigeons farewell, cooing them goodbye.

Dance Recital and Hero of the White Banner - Nate Shaftoe

Nate Shaftoe

Mr. Breaton


May 21, 2014

Dance Recital

            James loved the heat of dancing. It was lithe and graceful, a melody of movement and form. He sat transfixed by the beauty before him. She darted back and forth before his eyes in a hypnotic fashion. James’ face warmed as he leaned closer. “So beautiful…”

            “James, quit staring at the fire!” his mother said.

Hero of the White Banner

            Arthus stood tall and proud, his chest thrust out and his head held high. His crimson cape fluttered in the wind. At the foot of the rolling hill lay a thousand fallen orcs, slain by his hand.

“I love you,” his beautiful elven lover said with a kiss.

            Then the physician gave him his medicine.


Rising Tide
       The lukewarm water crept slowly up her legs. She scrambled back. Hit a towering wall. There was no escape. The water rose to her belly now. Her heart pounded. Fear spiked through her. Soon the vile liquid would be to her neck. Her ruin was imminent. Desperate for rescue from her bath, she cried,               “Meow!” 


       The light burned against his retinas, unfamiliar and unwelcome through clenched eyelids. After months of being confined, release was a shock; he thought he would never escape. Weak, he pushed up but the freedom was light on his clumsy limbs and over he tumbled. His mothers tongue rasped on his head and the kitten purred.


Yara Choukeir
Mr. Breaton
May 20, 2014
55 Word Short Stories

The Girl
We stared into each others moon shaped eyes and examined one another. She had espresso coloured eyes hidden behind glasses, and endless, luscious hair. She mimicked my every move; simultaneously and flawlessly. Dressed in nothing other than the latest designer clothes, she looked me up and down, and flashed a smile.
“Damn, I look good.”

Evil Children
They formed into their demonic praying circle in an organized fashion, and spun the blinded volunteer around. The children dispersed and watched their leader swing at the victim with a bat constantly missing. They screamed as he finally started to beat him senselessly.
Their eyes bulged at the shower of candy falling from the piƱata.

Endless Day, Twisty Turning

Endless Day
Clutching onto anything for dear life. Increasing terror with every second. Despite my attempts to stay in place, my body is thrown about. My screams of distress are ignored as my captors grin widens. With no destination in sight, I am condemned to this seemingly endless nightmare.
“Dad! Could you please not drive like that?”
Twisty Turning
                A vast land of nothingness, my only companion in this post-apocalyptic world. I have been to the coldest reaches of the arctic, and the hottest villages of the equator. As I entered what once was someone’s home, it occurred to me: I am the last human on earth.

There was a knock on the door.
What to do...what to do...

Ok my faithful kiddywinkies, please post your Fifty-Five Word Short Stories here for the enjoyment and edification of all.

If you see a story you like, feel free to comment on it. I'll give ya bonus marks. It's true! :)
